Family Stories

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Robin's Story: My son is a really bright kid who started to lose interest in school during second grade. He reads several grades above his level, and our local public school was struggling to teach kids how to read.  He stopped caring about school because he was so bored. Another reason why it's a great fit is the flexibility of having the Internet. My husband has to work outside of the country in Canada for part of the year. This allows us to continue with school without interruption and allows our 10-year-old son to see his father for a week at a time or so at a very important time in his development.

Brandi's Story: The traditional public schools weren’t helping either of my girls in what they needed and they are both on Individual Education Plans. I love the way the school is supporting my kids in every way they can!

Aurora's Story:  My daughter experienced bullying on the playground and on the bus.  After watching another student suffer permanent injuries from three older students who received no consequences, we decided to enroll in ORVA for my daughter's safety.  At her last conference, I was told that she was "falling behind,” but her lowest grade now is a 91%.  She is getting the individualized attention she needs.  She was getting bored in her classes because her teacher had to spend more time correcting behavior issues with other students instead of teaching.

Amanda's Story: My student has dyslexia and learning from home allows him the time to complete assignments and learn without the distractions from the brick-and-mortar school setting. My student can take a test in a better way without feeling he has to be pulled out into a special learning environment. This is the perfect way for my student to learn.  He sees his friends on non school-related time, which makes for a more healthy and productive school week. He is learning faster and better at home in this environment. 

Bernhild's Story:  Our son Cash is very smart and very busy.  His last traditional public school grade was 3rd.  In that year, he was disruptive in class and his teacher resented and was unkind to him.  ORVA has been a godsend!  We can study and take pauses as necessary.  He is able to learn tangentially at the computer, and he’s not distracted by activity around him.  It has also allowed Cash to develop his tennis skills.  He is now #1 in the USA for 12's in the USTA.  Thank you very much.  The online school and teachers are wonderful!!

Sarah's Story:  We have to move around for my husband’s job. The virtual public school allows our child to not have to deal with the stress of transferring schools. 

Lisa's Story:  My child does much better with classwork, projects, etc. without the distraction of other students. She enjoys working on her own and is very good at scheduling her time. There was also a better chance for advanced classes/learning with a virtual school.

Aubrey's Story:  Greg was being bullied and had increasing problems connecting with students and teachers in his traditional public school. He felt a lot of anxiety and had issues completing work and trouble even attending school. 

Kathleen's Story:  Natalie is learning how to work more independently and is also held accountable for her work and attendance in all subjects. ORVA also allows us to travel to horse shows during the school year, while not missing any school work or falling behind.

Joy's Story:  My oldest is profoundly gifted and has ADHD. Virtual public school allows him to spend his time on above grade level work instead of focusing on his weaknesses. This is his fifth year and the program benefits him greatly. My 1st grader is accelerated in math and science, and is able to get the extra concentration on reading skills that she needs.