We Want To Hear From You!

Hello Virtual Public School Families –

Families choose a virtual public school option for a variety of reasons. Why is a virtual public school the right fit for your family? We value your opinion and would love to learn more about your family’s virtual school story.

We are constantly striving to ensure families have access to a quality education so we gather this information annually to inform and educate state lawmakers about Washington’s virtual public schools and the families who utilize them.

With your input we can inform the conversation surrounding virtual public schools and let our state education leaders know how you and so many other Oregon families have benefited from a virtual public education.

Take the Survey

Class of 2022 Spotlight

Congratulations Class of 2022! We want to honor and celebrate you! If you’re a parent, grandparent, or learning coach of a 2022 virtual school grad or if you’re a virtual school student graduating this year, please respond to our short questionnaire and attach a photo so we can celebrate you on our social media platforms. CLICK HERE to nominate a 2022 grad!

Thanks for all you do to support our education choice!